Vistadome Train Bangalore to Mangalore

The Vistadome train from Bangalore to Mangalore is an amazing trip. As you travel through beautiful areas of Karnataka, you can see stunning views of the Western Ghats, hills, and green forests.

With its modern features and comfy seats, this train ride is a wonderful way to enjoy the natural beauty of South India.

Whether you love nature, like taking photos, or just want a peaceful vacation, the Vistadome train from Bangalore to Mangalore is a great option.

Bangalore to Mangalore Vistadome Train Summary

Check out the brief description of Vistadome trains running from Bangalore to Mangalore. Check out the section below for more detailed information like train timetable, route, fare, and booking.

Vistadome Train Bangalore to Mangalore Summary
Number Of Trains3
Train Name & Number
  • 16515 – Karwar Express
  • 16539 – Yesvantpur Mangaluru Express
  • 16575 – Gomteshwara Express
Coach TypeVistadome (EV) – Large Glass Windows and Roof
Seat TypeRotatable and Reclining Seat
RouteYesvantpur to Mangaluru via Hassan, Sakleshpur, Kukke Subramanya, And Bantawala etc.
Train TimingsEvery Day at 7:00 AM
Journey TimeApproximately 9-10 hours
Travel Distance357 KM (By Train)
Ticket FareBetween Rs 1500 to Rs 2000 (depends on distance and train)
Booking Options
  • IRCTC Official Website
  • IRCTC Authorised Agent (VistadomeTrip)
  • IRCTC App (IRCTC Rail Connect)
  • In Person Railway Station

Vistadome Train Bangalore to Mangalore Timings

All Vistadome trains from Bangalore to Mangalore leave Yeshwantpur at 7 am. You can see the full train schedule in the list below.

Bangalore to Mangalore Vistadome Train Timings

  • Yesvantpur Mangalore Express (16539): This Vistadome train departs from Yesvantpur Junction (YPR) at 07:00 am and reaches Mangaluru Central (MAQ) at 04:40 pm.
  • Gomateshwara Express (16575): Gomteshwara Express departs from Yesvantpur Junction (YPR) at 07:00 AM and reaches Mangaluru Junction (MAJN) at 04:40 PM.
  • Karwar Express (16515): This train starts from Yeshwantpur and goes to Karwar via Mangalore. It departs from Yeshwantpur Junction (YPR) at 07:00 am and arrives at Mangaluru Junction (MAJN) at 04:35 pm.

Vistadome Train Bangalore to Mangalore Ticket Price

Vistadome train ticket price from Bangalore to Mangalore is around ₹1,525 per person. This fare includes GST, reservation, and other charges. This price does not include food and convenience charges. However, you can buy snacks from the mini pantry available in the Vistadome coach. To book your Vistadome ticket, you can visit the IRCTC website.

For detailed information on ticket fare and booking, check on the section below.

Bangalore to Mangalore Vistadome (EV) Ticket Fare
Train NoTrain NameFare
16539Yesvantpur – Mangaluru Jn. Weekly Express₹ 1525
16515Yesvantpur – Karwar Express₹ 1525
16575Gomteshwara Express₹ 1525

Vistadome Train from Bangalore to Mangalore Booking

Ticket booking for the Vistadome train from Bangalore to Mangalore can be done online through the Indian Railways website or by visiting the nearest railway station. Due to the train’s popularity, booking tickets in advance is advisable.

If you want to book a Vistadome ticket in an easy way, you can contact VistadomeTrip on WhatsApp. From there you can book tickets from the comfort of your home in 15 minutes.

To book your ticket, you can follow these steps:

  • Visit the Indian Railways website: Visit the official website and choose your route, date, and class of travel.
  • Choose your seat: Choose your preferred seat and class of travel (Vistadome).
  • Pay and confirm: Pay for your ticket and confirm your booking.

Some of the popular Vistadome trains running from Bangalore to Mangalore are:

  1. 16515: Karwar Express
  2. 16575: Gomateshwara Express
  3. 16539: Yeshwantpur Mangalore Express

NOTE: Don’t forget to check the Vistadome train schedule and plan your trip accordingly.

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